A record of all data entry into fleet command for later reference.
Data Log
[ HDF_Spectre | 1.11 PST | 08.22.01 ]
Hey, the newest Ship of the Week is available, the underrated Sensor Array. Dont forget its Lore. Coming Soon - A Bang for your Buck chart! Which ship has the most firepower for your money?? and I made this to show my love for 2 years of homeworld
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[ HDF_Spectre | 12.00 PST | 08.19.01 ]
There have been alot of new sections around here latley. New Strats and files. But the newest of them all is The Maps There arent many, but these are the slect few that HDF members call the best. go check it out, each has a few screenshots. also, don't forget the hw dvd cover. It looks great.
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[ HDF_Spectre | 12.50 PST | 08.17.01 ]
Ok lots of new stuff again. I finished the hw dvd cover. Just print it out and you'll have a dvd sleeve for homeworld. Also HDF's researchers did some hardcore number crunching and came up with the Statistics Page Highly Valuable Info. Still to come. Maps, and my battles page.
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[ HDF_Spectre | 00.01 PST | 08.15.01 ]
I said I was going to bring the ship of the week out every Wedensday. But I get jumpy and I get it all done and I can't wait to show it off. Thats why its out at 12:01 am. And a little something extra this week. go check all the old ships of the week and find some new number crunching stats. I'm still working on the rumored new HW cover. Dont forget new Lore and I'm gathering a number crunching strat page. Its almost done. I haven't started on my battles page yet, I always forget to start recording. Dont forget to check out those new strats! NEW Carrier old, but new strats Defender Assault Frigate Resource Collector Salvage Corvette
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[ HDF_Spectre | 00.01 PST | 08.15.01 ]
I said I was going to bring the ship of the week out every Wedensday. But I get jumpy and I get it all done and I can't wait to show it off. Thats why its out at 12:01 am. And a little something extra this week. go check all the old ships of the week and find some new number crunching stats. I'm still working on the rumored new HW cover. Dont forget new Lore and I'm gathering a number crunching strat page. Its almost done. I haven't started on my battles page yet, I always forget to start recording. Dont forget to check out those new strats! NEW Carrier old, but new strats Defender Assault Frigate Resource Collector Salvage Corvette
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[ HDF_Spectre | 14.49 PST | 08.12.00 ]
Hey, currently im working on my battles section which will feature a few recorded games which will be cycled through regularly. Its not up yet. But I am working on a special cover for Homeworld. You'll see what I mean soon enough. And of course the HW Glow browser customization. This will be the last time I will post the link here, from now on, it will be on the Files page.
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[ HDF_Spectre | 01.32 PST | 08.08.00 ]
Lots of new things to share. The latest Ship Of The Week Is up. The salvage Corvette. And Announcing the Lore Section where you can learn more about your favorite ships and kiiths. HDF has proposed an alliance with the Hiigaran Star Command And of course the HW browser Modification that has become so popular. thats Right Here
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[ HDF_Spectre | 11.25 PST | 08.05.01 ]
I've completed my little HW Browser Customization. It will replace the little spinning E with a glowing HW logo. I like to think its pretty damn cool. So go ahead and GRAB IT. Its easy to install and looks great.
Another great way to show your love for HW.
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[ HDF_Spectre | 22.29 PST | 08.02.01 ]
Hey HDF has pointed its communications array at theDrunken Pirates They have a large clan and a nice lookin page. go check them out. they have lots of great maps and hw gear. ARRG
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[ HDF_Spectre | 23.43 PST | 07.31.01 ]
In recent light of whats been going on in the HW community im going to start the planning of a giant 1 v 1 homeworld tourney. hopefully the biggest ever. I dont know exaclty how big. im hoping for at least 16 total players. that would be ideal. we'll see what I can come up with. also the next Ship of the week is up. the always poplular assault frigate. i know these have been coming out at irregular intervals. so from now on its every wedensday. and ive added a Submit News Option. I hope you use it.
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[ HDF_Spectre | 12.50 PST | 07.29.01 ]
Big news. first off. check out this cool quantam waveform thing right up top by the news header. pretty slick no? Second off. ive been working on a HDF T-Shirt design for all the fleets admirals. It has all the different pics you'll need because each shirt is a little different. you'll understand once you look at the picture. and i have a prospective new admiral. And the second ship of the week is up. the resource collector. and im going to regester us with the top 100 sites.
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[ HDF_Spectre | 15.35 PST | 07.23.01 ]
I've stared playing the single player homeworld game and i find i play it alot. so here is a list of signs you've been playing homeworld too much. Also my gameplay Strats are up.
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[ HDF_Spectre | 09.53 PST | 07.19.00 ]
Messiah is back and in a rare occasion i beat him. The Ship Of The Week is available. its only the defender right now. but im working hard on the strats for the next ship. I hope you enjoy.
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[ HDF_Spectre | 14.40 PST | 07.17.00 ]
Paktu and I played a lan game yesterday and worked on our team play strats. HDF has been recruiting for the final two spots to be filled and we may have filled one. ive been in contact with a commander who i played with and might be interested. Also HDF may be starting its investigation into ship strats with the new Ship of the day section. Coming soon.
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[ HDF_Spectre | 12.06 PST | 07.15.01 ]
I just realized that HDF is over 1 year old. I finally got the
Admirals Lounge Up and running the way i wanted to. Ive made some more pictures for the site. and im going to start writing some more strats. there are also some homeworld desktops ive made in the Files section. Recruitment will begin for the nabbal and gallsien tribes. also I put up some of Messiah's Screenshots
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[ HDF_Spectre | 0.21 PST | 07.14.01 ]
It has been quite a while but im going to try to bring HDF back. It's going to be hard. but oh well. Its fun. Im going to have to find a new message board. as inside the web shut down.
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[ HDF_Spectre | 0.21 PST | 07.14.01 ]
It has been quite a while but im going to try to bring HDF back. It's going to be hard. but oh well. Its fun. Im going to have to find a new message board. as inside the web shut down.
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[ HDF_Spectre | 09.56 PST | 03.12.01 ]
The site has been down for a while due to college. Im adding the crack for homeworld so people who install their CD on a friends computer can load this and then they dont need the CD to play the game. nocd.zip It's really small.
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[ HDF_Spectre | 01.32 PST | 08.11.00 ]
New Member of HDF, white shark, Profile being fed to fleet intelligence. New HUD *video card* for HDF_Spectre, viewing homeworld in all its glory now. However, link to Fleet Intelligence cut to 11kbs. i have new Screenshots and Battles news
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[ HDF_Spectre | 13.25 PST | 07.21.00 ]
Strat Database being decoded. Encryption technique is good. 4 strats availible. Data Entry Log created. Spectre computer down. using ancient technology now. Armada uplink, cut. I will be able to play very rarely now. -End
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[ HDF_Spectre | 00.15 PST | 07.16.00 ]
Communications array repaired. Join Form now active. HDF listed on guidestone armada listing. I think. More strats coming.
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[ HDF_Spectre | 19.55 PST | 07.12.00 ]
The Mothership came across reckage today. Salvage crews reported finding an extencive computer core. Upon further investigation. Logs of battle strats were found. These strats were added to our database and can now be accsessed.
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[ HDF_Spectre | 19.10 PST | 07.10.00 ]
Well i probably should put this in my battles section, but I dont know what I want that to look like yet. So anyways, this guy i was playing wasent doing much and didnt care that i moved into the nebula to harvest it, all of the sudden he comes at me with like 50 attack bombers in X formation. I saw it coming a mile away, i had enough time to build a cloak and gravwell generators and have them waiting for him. So i destroyed his entire offenceive force. so then he quit. Wuss.
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[ HDF_Spectre | 00.15 PST | 07.16.00 ]
Communications array repaired. Join Form now active. HDF listed on guidestone armada listing. I think. More strats coming.
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[ HDF_Spectre | 19.55 PST | 07.12.00 ]
The Mothership came across reckage today. Salvage crews reported finding an extencive computer core. Upon further investigation. Logs of battle strats were found. These strats were added to our database and can now be accsessed.
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[ HDF_Spectre | 19.10 PST | 07.10.00 ]
Well i probably should put this in my battles section, but I dont know what I want that to look like yet. So anyways, this guy i was playing wasent doing much and didnt care that i moved into the nebula to harvest it, all of the sudden he comes at me with like 50 attack bombers in X formation. I saw it coming a mile away, i had enough time to build a cloak and gravwell generators and have them waiting for him. So i destroyed his entire offenceive force. so then he quit. Wuss.
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[ HDF_Paktu | 20.46 PST | 07.04.00 ]
Hey this is real cool. I can now post news on the site. Well I need Homeworld so I can play on Won. If anybody knows of somebody who doesn't need their game anymore, tell me so I can get the game.
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[ HDF_Spectre | 13.42 PST | 07.03.00 ]
HDF Communications array down. Join form, no longer operational. internal errors. Repair crews working now.
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[ HDF_Spectre | 11.20 PST | 06.30.00 ]
Total armada consists of 4 fleets Personal sites beggining to form. Join HDF. Post at the admrials lounge. Read HDF's History. -End
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[ HDF_Spectre | 12.00 PST | 06.28.00 ]
Navagation: Online Network beginning to form. Individual sites, Construction started.
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[ HDF_Spectre | 20.44 PST | 06.27.00 ]
This is the first data entry for Fleet Command
- Resourcing:
- Construction:
- Research:
- Guidance:
- Command:
| Online Online Online Online Online |
Site consists of 2 pages, minimal navagation. 2 crewman confirmed
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