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[ HDF_Spectre | 20.55 PST | 09.20.01 ]
My good for nothing brother hasent sent me the flash file for the ship of the week yet. He's worthless. sorry for the lack of updates. ive been busy, and now that school is going again, they will be less frequent.
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[ HDF_Spectre | 00.48 PST | 09.12.01 ]
Donate to the Red Cross
I've recently moved houses, and computers and failed to bring my HDF files with me. And I think today is too sad for a ship of the week anyways.
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[ HDF_Spectre | 10.04 PST | 09.07.01 ]
There might not be updates for a while as Im going to be hyperspacing to new coordinates. in Santa Cruz. It might be a while before get my uplink re-established. Perhaps Mercury or Paktu will make an update!!!
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[ HDF_Spectre | 00.37 PST | 09.05.01 ]
Its technically Wedensday, so that means SHIP OF THE WEEK my favorite day of the week. and this week is Messiah's personal unit. The Multi Gun Corvette! Dont forget its Lore And I know I promised the next bargain admiral, but Paktu Got his wisdom teeth out so i was playing TA at his house. And a bit of sad news, it seems that sierra has removed the homeworld 3d unit viewer from its servers. I'll see what I can do about getting those files back. Dont forget my Homeworld Amp its the preview of HOPEFULLY a new Relicnews Site. It's super secret, I cant tell you anymore. :)
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[ HDF_Spectre | 23.30 PST | 09.03.01 ]
Due to the fact that 1.)Paktu's copy of homeworld got a virus and won.net wont let him on and 2.)He forgot his password to Won Ive been playing alot of Total Annihilation and TA: Kingdoms I really love those games, but not to fear the newest ship of the week is only 2 days away.
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[ HDF_Spectre | 20.35 PST | 09.01.00 ]
I've just made a winamp skin featuring homeworld Download Here. Its also availble on the files page. The next Bargain Admiral will have to do with Amour per Dollar.
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[ HDF_Spectre | 02.13 PST | 08.29.01 ]
Ship of the week Its here and its..... the Attack Bomber Dont forget its Lore also HDF recived its 1000th hit. THanks Everyone!
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[ HDF_Spectre | 18.04 PST | 08.26.01 ]
Hey, its the newest section of HDF showing you the best bargains the mother ship can give you in The Bargain Admiral part of the Strats Network
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