Raakel Class Sensor Array

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Read the Sensor Array Lore
Name = Sensor Array
Speed = 280 m/s
Cost = 800 RU
Time = 80 s
Drain = 10 RU/s

The Sensor Array has got to be one of the most under used and under rated units in homeword. Although it has no weapons and its armour is quite lite, its not too quick either, it has the ability to let you see everything your opponent is doing.

  • Does he gaurd his harvesters
  • Is he getting ready for a swarm
  • Is he going for my harvesters
  • Where is he going. and with what

Now you see how greatly useful this unit is. it is only 2 steps down on the tech tree, all you need to do is have one research ship research proxy sensors, and then sensor array, it will be done before you know it. its a build once and forget unit!

Max VYaw RateMass (tons)Armour
285 m/s.33004500

using the sensor array allows you to see the size and type of the enemies movements. This is highly prized info. Most people, thinking it will keep their sensor array out of danger will move it to some remote corner of the map. however. this leaves it open to a small figher escort. or one ion cannon jumping in to scout it out. just keep it near your mo-ship. if he comes to attack the mo ship, the least of your worries will be protecting your sensor array, and it may even buy you some time.

Do you have any tips for the Sensors Array??? Submit Them!

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