Diirvaas Class Multi-Gun Corvette

Read the Multi-Gun Lore
Time = 28 s
Drain = 8.04 RU/s

Have a problem with losers and their fighter swarms? Well do I ever have the answer for you! Our dear old friend the multi-gun. 6 high impact guns for those weak little fighters, enough speed to take them out and armour to stand the bruising. this is the bad boy of the corvette world my friend. She is sleek, sheik, and priced to MOVE!

WeaponRate of fireDamage per volleyBullet massBullet speedAmour reduction
6 Rotating Guns 30390.0620,000 m/s19

Attack Range
Engagement RangeAttack Run (on F4)Attack Run (on F3 or F2)Sphere range
7500mCircling @ 1000m5000m

Fuel Consumption
TankMeters/GallonMax VelTime to dry
Non CombatCombatNon CombatCombat
20,000.036.06069513 min8 min

max speed m/sYaw Ratemass (tons)Armour

damagedamage per ru

As you could have guessed, the multi-gun corvette is the most manuverable of all the corvettes. It has the best speed, and because of it, the worst fuel consumption, running dry at 13 min. So keep support friggates handy. Their armour is decent, enough at least to take on fighter swarms, dont waste your time individually targeting, the way you do with cap ships, its all about taking all those fighers to hell with you. Their firepower isnt as good as a heavy vette, but their speed makes up for it. So you could send them resource hunting, any retaliatory fightercraft mesure will stop in its tracks.

Like all 'vettes, they tend to break out of formation when fighting larger craft and begin circling their prey. When fighting other strike craft, as usual Wall is the optimal choice. They honestly do well in any formation, since their coverage of 78% (second only to defenders) allows them to hit fighters from almost any angle. Wall or claw do well. Tactics:
In smaller maps, you'll definitely want to build a fleet of MGC's as soon as they become available to you. Only slightly slower than a bomber, and faster than any other corvette, these babies are an excellent anti-vette and anti-bomber response team. Obviously Interceptors and Scouts by far outpace them, but their armor is so weak that if they enter an MGC's range to retaliate, chances are they won't leave. A wall of aggressive MGC's will really chew through some massive groups of fighters. Use them to gaurd against any fighter target.

These are much better escort units than anything else. And even though they will live longer against cap ships than most vettes, they are still vunerable to grav wells and missle destroyers. better to keep their offencive targets to fighters and the like. Defence:
Keep those resource collectors safe from fighter swarms which seems to be the way things are going now, although ive noticed the swing back to cap ships. Still Multi guns are quick killers.

While expencive and 3 steps down the research tree, Multi Guns are a good buy. If you don't use their 6 guns, your collectors may not ever see hiigara.

Do you have any tips for the Multi-Gun Corvette??? Submit Them!

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