Imperator Class Carrier

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Read the Carrier Lore
Name = Resource Collector
Speed = 300 m/s
Cost = 2000 RU
Time = 280 s
Drain = 7.1 RU/s

So much can be said about this mini mothership. So I'll just jump right in. The carrier is a home away from home and can serve many purposes. You can take a tip from the turanic raiders and launch surprize hyper swarm raids against his resource ops. with a max cost of 2500 per jump. you can bring in 50 fighters and 25 corvettes. imagine the fun you can have with some bombers. slavage vettes and multi guns. on his resourcing ops. instead of the salvage vettes having to go all the way back home. they'll drop off the collector at the carrier.
another great thing. if your mother ship blows. command is transferred to the carrier. so as he walks his giants to your mo ship. you can just let it go. and take out his. and you're the winner.


max speed m/sYaw Ratemass (tons)Armour

min cost (5km)cost per extra kmmax cost reached at
850 Ru4 Ru's2500 Ru( 418 km )

The Carrier is wonderful. it doubles your production rates if you have one. you can pump out 2 ion cannons in the time it takes to make 1. a must as a first build in a non research game. in longer games. its a great raiding post. although it does take a while to get those ships docked. and it moves at a considerable pace of 300 m/s, faster than a heavy cruiser, missle destroyer, and of comprable speed to an ion cann frig. so just keep yourself ahead of your pursuiants. the destroyer is only 15 m/s faster. so keep ahead of him. and launch your bombers.

for its size. and its ability to build ships. its a great post. easly fits in a feild friggate. and gravwell. its gives you much more moblity than walking your fighters across the map. or jumping your hulking friggates which will be responded to quickly with fighters. this is great. and cheap. doubles as a resource controller with the ability to add reinforcements. a great fortress to place in your valuable resourcing feilds. Now this is all well and good for carrier only games, or for non research games. but carriers are far down the research tree

It takes a long time for carriers to come into play, here's the chart

# of Research shipsTime in min.

you can see that the rate of production is not all that different from 4 research ships to 6. you could have those doing fighter research or ion frigs. This is a long time. but realize that its time well spent. and you'll get there sooner or later.

Not many people use carriers anymore. But with the swarm tactic being the dominant tactic, speed has become an issue. quick responce times are necessary.

still the carrier has a great advantage in a longer game being able to add to your build times. and transfer command if the mother ship is lost.

Do you have any tips for the Carrier??? Submit Them!

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