Sizing up your opponent gives you the upper hand. By understanding their playing style, you can best alter your style to match, and beat it.
The Turtle
Usually a miner, will mine the heck out of his mothership, and play a purley defensive game. Will make small creeping advances but always taking care that they are strongly defended. Use time to your advantage. His advances will be slow, take over as much of the map as possible, and choke him to death, by not letting him expand to meet his harvesting needs. These type of players are very rare in homeworld.
The Cheeta
These are the type of players that i hate. Build a million scouts or intercepters in the opening moments of the game. These type of players can be recognized if you send a scout over in the first few minutes and see that he has doubled or tripled his number of scouts or intercepters. To counter this, simply research grav well tech, and have some assault figgates waiting.
The Bear
Brute force here. Cap ships all the way. One way to counter this is with many many fighters, and ion cannon friggates. Amist all the confusuion, steal his ships with salvage corvettes. And with a budget this big, a decrease in money means his whole fleet is gone. And with little mobilty, raiding his harvesting should be a breeze.
The Ghost
This is a sneaky type of player who uses cloak generators and technology alot. Likes the run and gun game, will try to keep you confused. His downfall is a direct attack, build up a moderate group. *dont forget prox sensors* and bring them right up the middle, his sneaky fleet might try to stop you, but have some fast moving intercepters or multi gun corvettes come up behind to clean up any cloak generators, or salvage corvettes.
The Spider
This is the type of player who hopes to control as much of the map, as soon as possible. Spreading their forces extreamly thin in order to create a web of resoucing lanes and reinforcement routes. This player early on is very weak, because they will be struggling to control so much area with so few ships. If within the first 3 minutes you see many red blips expanding his sphere of influence, you know you have a spider. brute force usually does the trick, becase his forces are speread so thinly.
The Ant Colony
This is a very dangerous technique, building 2 or more carriers, he has many bases indipendent of eachother. all running separate raids. it takes a wise resource manager, and an amazing intellect to keep track of all the posisions and orders, but it is almost impossible to defeat, very rare to find. The only real way to go about it, is to try to take out the harvesting early. But there is no early signs that this type of player is developing, until you see a carrier.
The Sheep
Otherwise known as a newbie, will try some strat that is very lame. Just go after his harvesters, they probably wont be gaurded, then just blockade his mothership, he'll be lost. You'll know a sheep because of the extreamly early attack with light corvettes and defenders. Waste them with your multi-gun corvettes or grav well tech.
The Owl
This is a wise and dangerous player. Will bild up a fleet utuilzing all the elements of the game. utilizing various strats. This is the player that you want to be, if two owls go at it, the person with the faster mind and quicker fingers will win.