If you havent figured out by now, HDF stands for the Hiigara Defence Force and we are an armada that plays Homeworld on the Won network.

We are an elite armada operating in eastern contra costa county in california. HDF is also deeply rooted in the homeworld lore. and there is a large amount of backstory that comes along with our admiral posisitons.

We began in the art studio of HDF_Messiah's father. While having a lan party Spectre and Paktu decided to start a clan. Spectre could easily design the page and paktu could come up with ideas. Mercury was an old friend of the three that had moved away. Spectre urged him to buy Homeworld, telling him that he would not regret it. His RTS expertice kicked in quickly. And so hdf was born.

The name HDF was thought up one day while Spectre was mowing the lawn and listening to Angus Dei on his MP3 player. It was almost the Hiigaran Defense Fleet or Hiigaran Defense Fighters.

Hiigara Needs Defending! She is our homeworld, we fought long and hard to get here. Lets not lose her. Keep her safe from invaders.


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| Hiigara |